Buy & Sell
Without Middlemen

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Key pointers

While buying a used car from another individual in India.

  • Your test drive won’t tell you about major problems. Get the car inspected at service center and check service history.
  • Always buy from someone who has a clear profession and talks logically. If the owner is sensible, car will be proper as well.
  • Every used car is in different condition and hence commands different price. Do not haggle with nonsensical comparisons with other listings. Decent people tend to avoid such conversations and will stop responding to you.
  • Be decent. Do not send messages like these – “Final Price?” or “11 lacs”. Your half wit morons have put off sellers from selling to individuals.

Key considerations

While selling a used car to another individual in India.

  1.  Do not respond to every query. Engage only with sensible people. This will save your mental bandwidth for serious buyers.
  2. Price your car sensibly. Cars are not investments and you will lose money.
  3. Sell to people with clear professions and polite communication.
  4. Avoid out of city buyers.
  5. Serious buyers are eager to see the car first and do not negotiate too much on phone. Never negotiate unless you’ve met the person.
  6. Have patience.


Not Commercial

I am a guy, not a company and I am not looking to make money from this site.

Better price for seller

By cutting out the middle man.

Better price for buyer

By cutting out the middle man.

Big FU to middle men

Nobody wants to be bombarded with calls, undergo lengthy inspections and then get lowball offers from these dealers (startup or local).